יערמיה דאַמען און משה דאַמען ביים ציון פֿון צדיק הערשעלע ליסקער, מחבר פון "אַך פּרי תבואה", אויף

יערמיה דאַמען און משה דאַמען ביים ציון פֿון צדיק הערשעלע ליסקער, מחבר פון "אַך פּרי תבואה", אויף

אין דעם הייליקן ווידעא, דער גרויס געהעכטער יערמיה דאַמען און זיין געוואַלדיקער זון משה דאַמען, ביידע שטאַרק געהרעדט און באַקאַנטע זינגער אין דער חסידישער וועלט, נעמען אָן אַ זכּרונותדיקע פּיל

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A touching moment of prayer by a Hasidic Jewish man at Rabbi Hershele Liska’s grave gathers a large audience.

A crowd forms as a Hasidic Jewish man prays fervently at the gravesite of Rabbi Hershele Liska.In the serene silence of Liska's Jewish cemetery, a Hasidic Jewish man, deeply moved, prays at the grave of Hershel Lisker, Tzvi Hersh Friedman. In a moment of profound faith, he asks for the miracle of love, hope, and healing to embrace the Hasidic comm

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A touching moment of prayer by a Hasidic Jewish man at Rabbi Hershele Liska’s grave gathers a large audience.

The moving prayer of a Hasidic Jewish man at the grave of Rabbi Hershele Liska draws many onlookers.Amid the quiet of Liska's Jewish cemetery, a Hasidic Jewish man bares his soul in prayer at the resting place of Hershel Lisker, Tzvi Hersh Friedman. From the core of his deep faith, he pleads for a miracle of love, hope, and healing for the Hasidic

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Special moments from one of the holiest places in the world, the town of Liska, where the deep and blessing-filled prayers recited at the grave of the great tzadik, Rebbe Hershele Lisker zt"l (רבי הערשעלע ליסקער זצ״ל), resonate.

Unique moments unfold in one of the holiest places on earth, the town of Liska, where heartfelt prayers offered at the grave of the revered tzadik, Rebbe Hershele Lisker zt"l, echo with blessings.In this prayer, requests are made for the healing of the sick, abundance for those in need, and peace and health for Israel and all of humanity. Liska ho

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In Hungary, Olaszliszka, or Liska as it is affectionately called by the local Jewish community, serves as a mystical sanctuary drawing tens of thousands of Orthodox Jews each year.

In Hungary, Olaszliszka, or Liska as it is affectionately called by the local Jewish community, serves as a mystical sanctuary drawing tens of thousands of Orthodox Jews each year.As a place of deep-rooted traditions and steadfast faith, Liska Jewish Cemetery is truly one of a kind. The resting place of Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Friedman, referred to by t

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